Southeast Premiere!
In a strict boarding school nestled in the Himalayas, Mira is a successful student shouldering high expectations from her parents and her teachers. But as she wrestles with new desires and ample curiosity inspired by the handsome Sri, she finds herself at odds with the school’s strict rules and her mother’s incessant involvement in her new romance. As Mira strives to escape the watchful eyes of her teachers, mother and fellow students and find time alone with Sri, she approaches learning about love with the same dedication that she applies to her studies, resulting in sometimes comic and shocking conclusions. Winner of two prizes at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival–the World Cinema Drama Audience Award and a Special Jury Award for Acting–this sublime coming-of-age tale deeply understands girlhood and is a masterclass in mother -daughter tension during awkward adolescence.
Purchase a Series Pass to receive discounted admission to all 5 South Asian Film Festival programs, plus priority seating!
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